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INT PUB 07-23 

Flavor Evolution of the Neutronization Neutrino Burst from an O-Ne-Mg 

Core-Collapse Supernova 

Huaiyu Duan,^ George M. Fuller,^' "'^ J. Carlson,'^ and Yong-Zhong Qian^ 

'institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195 
'^Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 
'^Theoretical Division, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545 
'^School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455 

We present results of 3-neutrino flavor evolution simulations for the neutronization burst from an 
O-Ne-Mg core-collapse supernova. We find that nonlinear neutrino self-coupling engineers a single 
spectral feature of stepwise conversion in the inverted neutrino mass hierarchy case and in the normal 
mass hierarchy case, a superposition of two such features corresponding to the vacuum neutrino 
mass-squared differences associated with solar and atmospheric neutrino oscillations. These neutrino 
spectral features offer a unique potential probe of the conditions in the supernova environment and 
may allow us to distinguish between O-Ne-Mg and Fe core-collapse supernovae. 

PACS numbers: 14.60.Pq, 97.60.Bw 

In this Letter we suggest an exciting new neutrino 
signal-based probe of conditions deep inside a supernova. 
', We do this by performing the first fully self-coupled 3- 
neutrino flavor (3 x 3) evolution calculations. Stars of 
', ^ 8-11 Mq develop degenerate O-Ne-Mg cores, at least 
some of which eventually collapse to produce supernovae 
[ (e.g., Refs. [H, 0, Q)- The matter density falls off so 
steeply in the region between such a core and the hydro- 
I gen envelope that there is little hindrance to the outgoing 
supernova shock. Consequently, O-Ne-Mg core-collapse 
supernovae are the only case where neutrino-driven ex- 
plosion has been demonstrated by several groups 0, 0, 0] . 
Such supernovae may be the site for producing the heav- 
iest elements by rapid neutron capture and may also 
] explain the observed subluminous supernovae They 
are expected to be relatively common because the known 
] progenitors of most core-collapse supernovae lie in the 
■ mass range ~ 8-20 Mq (e.g., Ref. Q). 

The region of steeply-falling matter density immedi- 
ately above an O-Ne-Mg core provides an extremely in- 
teresting environment for studying neutrino flavor evolu- 
tion. For the vacuum neutrino mass-squared differences 
^"^atm ^^'^ Attiq associated with atmospheric and solar 
neutrino oscillations, respectively, the two correspond- 
ing conventional Mikheyev-Smirnov-Wolfenstein (MSW) 
0, [lot resonances occur with very small radial separa- 
tion in this region. As the neutrino number density de- 
creases much more gently with radius than the matter 
density, neutrino self-coupling can affect flavor evolution 
associated with both Aml^^ and Atoq , and a full treat- 
ment of 3 X 3 mixing appears to be required. To identify 
clearly any new physics, we study the relatively simple 
case of the neutronization burst, which consists of pre- 
dominantly Ve emitted when the shock breaks through 
the neutrino sphere. 

Traditional analyses of flavor evolution of supernova 
neutrinos are based on the pure matter-driven MSW ef- 
fect (see, e.g., Refs. [HI [H [13, El). The evolution of 

neutrino flavor state in matter is described by the 
Schrodinger-like equation. 


where t is an AfRne parameter along the neutrino 
worldline, and the Hamiltonian H is composed of two 
pieces: H — Hva.c + -f^matt- The matter contribution is 
{vaWraM^p) = ^/^G-pUeSapSea, whcrc Gp IS the Fcrmi 
constant, Ue is the electron number density, and \va) de- 
notes a pure flavor state with a = e, /x, r. The vacuum 
piece of H is {va\Hva.c\vp) = {2E^)~^{UMW)af3, where 
El, is the neutrino energy. The transformation Uai re- 
lates pure flavor state [vn) to vacuum mass eigenstate 
l^i) (see Chap. 13 of Ref. [15| for our convention): — 

The mass matrix is diagonal in the 

2 2 


vacuum mass basis, M = diag(0, Ani^i, Am^i + Am| 
where the mass-squared differences are Amf^ 
In calculations presented here we take the three mix 
ing angles and the CP violating phase to be 9i2 = 0.6, 
^23 — 7r/4, — 0.1, 5 — 0, respectively. We take 

8 X 10-^ eV^ 

Atoq and Am§2 = ±3 x 

10~ eV ~ ±Ato^j„-j, where the plus (minus) sign is for 
the normal (inverted) mass hierarchy. 

In pure matter-driven MSW evolution, for small 6*13, 
the Ve survival probability Pu^u,, — |(^^e|V')P can be fac- 
torized P^^u, = Pu.u.Pku., where P^^^^ and P^^^ 
are the survival probabilities in 2-flavor (2x2) mixing 
processes at the Aml^^ and Atoq scales, respectively. In 
other words, the full 3x3 MSW result is the superposition 
of two independent 2x2 MSW scenarios, one for each of 
the solar and atmospheric mass-squared differences. 

Using the profile for the O-Ne-Mg core model of 
Refs. P, Q and the neutrino mixing parameters given 
above, we show P^^^^ as a function of E,, in Fig. [1] as- 
suming pure matter-driven MSW evolution. The results 
shown are for radius r = 5000 km, where the vacuum 
Hamiltonian dominates for most neutrino energies. The 



E„ (McV) 

FIG. 1: (Color online) Neutrino survival probabilities Pv^u^ as 
functions of neutrino energy Eu for pure matter-driven MSW 
evolution. The 2x2 flavor mixing cases with Am^ ~ Amatm 
and ArriQ are shown as the dashed and dotted lines, respec- 
tively. The 2x2 flavor mixing case with Am? ~ — Amatm 
(not shown) corresponds to Pv^v^ — 1 for all energies. The 
solid line {Ev) for full 3x3 flavor mixing with the 

normal mass hierarchy. The 3x3 inverted mass hierarchy 
case (not shown) is almost identical to the dotted line. 

dashed and dotted lines in this figure show the 2x2 
flavor mixing cases with the normal mass hierarchy for 
Am^ = 3 X 10^3 (~ Ato^^^) and 8 x 10"^ eV^ 
(~ Amg), respectively. In these cases we take the ef- 
fective 2x2 vacuum mixing angles to be = 0.1 and 
0.6, respectively. We note that in either case MSW fla- 
vor transformation for neutronization burst neutrinos of 
average energy {E^^ ) = 1 1 MeV is neither fully adiabatic 
[PvcVc — sin^ 6*) nor fully non-adiabatic [Pv^vc ~ cos^ &) 
due to the rapid decrease of matter density p with ra- 
dius in the region of interest (|d(ln/9)/dr| > 0.04km~^). 
The spike in P^^j^^) (dashed fine) at E'^, ~ 8 MeV is 
caused by a sharp change in rig at the base of the hy- 
drogen envelope, where the electron fraction Y,, jumps 
from 0.5 to ^ 0.85. The 2x2 inverted mass hierarchy 
case with Am^ ~ — Am^^^ has Py^y^ ~ 1 for all energies 
(i.e., no MSW resonance). In the complete 3x3 mixing 
case with the normal mass hierarchy, Py^^^ is given by 
the solid line. This case corresponds closely to a succes- 
sion of two independent 2x2 mixing schemes, with the 
solid line being approximately the product of the values 
of the dashed (P^^^^) and dotted (F^^^J Hnes. The 3x3 
inverted mass hierarchy case gives P^^vc nearly identical 
to the dotted fine. 

In supernovae, where neutrino luminosities are large, 
neutrino- neutrino forward scattering contributes another 
term for the Hamiltonian 

[A [13, El 

il,, = V2Gf 


where sums over all background neutrino states ItAa) 
with number density ny^\. To simplify the problem, we 
adopt the "single-angle approximation" in which neutri- 

nos emitted in all directions from the neutrino sphere 
have the same flavor evolution histories as those with the 
same energies but propagating along a radial trajectory. 
With this approximation we have 



D{r/Ru) L 
2tiRI {E, 


where -D(^) — — -^/l — ^^•^)^. In our calculations for 
the neutronization burst we assume Ve is the only neu- 
trino species emitted from the neutrino sphere (at radius 
Ru — 60 km) and take the luminosity to be L^^ = 10^'^ 
erg/s. The Ve energy distribution function /^^{Ey) is 
taken to be of Fermi-Dirac form with degeneracy param- 
eter ?7 = 3 and with an average i^e energy (E^^) — 11 
MeV. Full 2x2 multi-angle simulations show that the 
single-angle approximation appears to be adequate for 
qualitative studies of the collective flavor transformation 
phenomena of interest here 1^, 2^, 21 1 . 

Fig. [2] shows the results of single-angle simulations of 
full 3x3 neutrino flavor evolution including nonlinear 
neutrino self-coupling for the neutrino mixing and emis- 
sion parameters given above. Results for both the in- 
verted (upper panels) and normal (lower panels) neutrino 
mass hierarchies are presented, again at radius r — 5000 
km as in Fig. [TJ The left-hand panels show the proba- 
bility |aj^. p = for neutrinos to be in each of the 
mass eigenstates and the right-hand panels show the 
probability lajy^P = for neutrinos to be in each 
of the flavor states \i^a)- 

The inverted neutrino mass hierarchy produces a step- 
wise i'2/'^i conversion at energy E^ ~ 11 MeV [Fig.[5]Ja)]. 
This spectral swap feature can be understood in a 2 x 2 
mixing scheme with Am? ~ AttIq (see, e.g., Ref. ^2^). 
In this scheme the flavor evolution of a neutrino can 
be represented as the precession of a spin or polariza- 
tion vector in flavor isospace, in analogy to a magnetic 
spin (e.g., Ref. [H). When neutrino number fluxes 
are large, the neutrino self-coupling is strong and the 
"magnetic spins" representing neutrinos can rotate col- 
lectively in the region where a neutrino with a represen- 
tative energy would experience a resonance in the pure 
matter-drive MSW evolution [2^. This corresponds to 
a neutrino-background-enhanced MSW-like flavor trans- 
formation 23, 23, 24, 2^. Subsequently, the "magnetic 
spins" will enter a collective precession mode. As neu- 
trino fluxes become small at large radii and the collective 
precession mode dies out, a mass- basis spectral swap is 
established The swap point in the neutrino en- 

ergy spectrum is determined by conservation of a mass- 

1. In fact, the result of 

basis "lepton number" [27|, [2 

the full 3x3 calculation agrees very well with that of 
the 2x2 calculation with Am^ ~ Amg. In contrast to 
the pure-matter driven MSW evolution, neutrinos on the 
two sides of the swap point appear to have experienced 
almost fully adiabatic or fully non-adiabatic flavor trans- 


FIG. 2: (Color online) Probabilities as functions of neutrino energy Ei, for neutrinos to be in each vacuum mass eigenstate 
(|ai,. 1^, left panels) and flavor eigenstate (|a.yQp, right panels), respectively. The solid, dashed and dotted lines represent the 
ui, !/2, and 1^3 states in the left panels and the u^, i/^, and Vt states in the right panels. Top (bottom) panels show the inverted 
(normal) mass hierarchy case. 

formation with those in the low (high) mass eigenstate 
ending up on the right (left) hand side of the swap point. 
We note that no neutrino-background-enhanced MSW- 
like flavor transformation occurs at the Am^^^ scale in 
the inverted mass hierarchy case. This is analogous to the 
pure matter-driven MSW evolution. We also note that 
conservation of the mass-basis lepton number prohibits 
the formation of a spectral swap in the corresponding 
2x2 mixing scheme with Am^ ~ — Am^tm because all 
neutrinos start as Ve in our calculation [38[. 

Because 9i2 is large, Pv,v^{Eu) exhibit a large oscil- 
latory feature in the transition region near the stepwise 
^^2/1^1 conversion point at E,y ~ 11 MeV [see Fig. (^fb)]. 
Outside this region, spectral swap can also be seen for 
the neutrino flavor states. For example, Pu^v^ — |C^e2p — 
0.32 (|;7ei|2 ~ 0.67) for < ^ MeV {eI > 16 MeV). 
Note that |ai,^J^ is larger (smaller) than \au^\'^ in the en- 
ergy regime > 13 MeV {E^ < 10 MeV). This is a 
consequence of setting the CP-violating phase to <5 = 0. 
As S is increased, \a^^\'^ increases (decreases) for E,y > 13 
MeV (E^ < 10 MeV), and \a^J^ = \a^^\^ for 6 = 7r/2. 
For S — TT, the \a^^ p and \a^^ p curves in Fig.[2Ib) switch 

Fig- EUc) shows that the normal neutrino mass hierar- 
chy produces a superposition of two spectral swap fea- 

tures, reminiscent of the factorization property of pure 
matter-driven MSW evolution. The v^^jvi swap at Ey ~ 
12.7 MeV and the 1^2 /i^i swap at ii^^ ~ 15 MeV corre- 
spond to those in the 2x2 schemes with Am^ ~ Aw?^^^ 
and Atoq, respectively. This result seems to justify 
the 2x2 approximation used in previous work (e.g., 
Refs.di, S [in, m, m m, [13, [111 [33), but is some- 
what surprising given the nonlinear nature of neutrino 
self-coupling and the fact that the regions of collective 
flavor transformation for Am^^j^ and Awq overlap with 
each other. We note that the 1^3/1^2 swap is much sharper 
than the vijvi swap. We also note that the dip (bump) 
in la^gp (|ai/2p) centered at ~ 5.2 MeV corresponds 
to the abrupt change in rig at the base of the hydrogen 
envelope. This feature in the profile reduces the ef- 
ficiency of the neutrino-background-enhanced MSW-like 
transformation of Vf^ at the Am^^j^ scale. A similar fea- 
ture is also present in the pure matter-driven MSW evo- 
lution, but in a different energy range (see Fig.[T|). 

As in the inverted mass hierarchy case, the spectral 
swaps are also present in the flavor basis [see Fig. Hfd)]. 
Except for the moderate bump centered at Ey ~ 5.2 
MeV, nearly all j/g's are transformed (with Py^y^ ~ 
[J/esI^ ~ 0.01) below the v^^jvi swap energy Ey ~ 12.7 
MeV. In contrast, there is less significant v^, depletion 


above the V2lv\ swap energy i^i, ~ 15 MeV, for which 
energy range Py^v^ — |C^eiP — 0.67 would be expected. 
The bump in Py^y^{Ey) at ~ 5.2 MeV corresponds 

to the feature in 

at the same energy as explained 

above. On the other hand, we note that the apparent 
peak of Pi,^i,^{Ey) in Ei, ~ 15.5 MeV is part of the same 
oscillation feature discussed above for Fig. [2{b). This 
oscillation feature will disappear at very large distances 
where coherence has been lost. 

The spectral swap features illustrated here for the neu- 
tronization burst from an 0-Ne-Mg core-collapse super- 
nova are not expected to be present for an Fe-core col- 
lapse supernova. This is because at the neutronization 
burst epoch, there is an extended region of high Ue above 
an Fe core. So in this case high neutrino fluxes are al- 
ways accompanied by high rig, which inhibits neutrino- 
background-enhanced MSW-like flavor transformation. 
The studies of neutrinos from Fe core-collapse supernovae 
based on pure matter-driven MSW evolution show that 
the Ve survival probability is Pu^u^ — sin^ 9q ~ 0.32 
or less for either mass hierarchy (see, e.g.. Table I in 
Ref. [33]). If enough high-energy {E^, > 15 MeV) neu- 
trino events are collected from the neutronization burst 
of a future Galactic supernova in both the charged- 
current and neutral-current channels, the progenitor may 
be identified as having an 0-Ne-Mg or Fe core based on 
whether or not is the dominant species in the burst. 
Because the total neutrino fluence over the ~ 10 ms du- 
ration of the neutronization burst is only a small fraction 
of that emitted during the first several seconds after the 
onset of core collapse, collection of the required number 
of events from the neutronization burst may be beyond 
the capabilities of existing detectors but could be within 
the reach of proposed megaton water Cherenkov detec- 
tors [331, ISJ, |35| and liquid argon detectors like ICARUS 

[3^, |37[. The low-energy (< 10 MeV) neutrino signals 
in the 0-Ne-Mg core-collapse supernova neutronization 
burst, though even more difficult to detect, carry infor- 
mation that potentially can distinguish between the neu- 
trino mass hierarchies [see Figs.[2][b) and (d)]. 

We thank K. Nomoto for providing the electron num- 
ber density profile in his 0-Ne-Mg core model. We appre- 
ciate the hospitality of the Institute for Nuclear Theory 
at the University of Washington during the completion 
of this work. This work was supported in part by NSF 
grant PHY-04-00359 at UCSD, DOE grants DE-FG02- 
87ER40328 at UMN, DE-FG02-00ER41132 at INT, an 
IGPP/LANL mini-grant, and by the DOE Office of Nu- 
clear Physics, the LDRD Program and Open Supercom- 
puting at LANL. 

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